Cataloguing in Gippsland

Musings of a Cataloguer at Large in Gippsland. Just personal thoughts - absolutely no bearing on the thoughts of any organisation with which I am working.

My Photo
Location: Victoria, Australia

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Scanning Photos at Celebrations II

Well, we had a wonderful day at Boisdale on Saturday - and hear they had a most excellent concert that night. They were due to kick along on Sunday as well.

The hall was packed, and lots of friends were found in the crowd. We sold heaps of books for Maffra Historical Society (so many that it is back to the binder again).

But we did not get a lot of photographs to scan. Which could have been for several reasons -

We were not in the main hall, and everyone was so excited to see each other, that not a lot ventured out to our back room.

Although the registration process included wall notices about us, and the friendly staff telling people we were there, we reckon it went straight out of people's minds, as they caught up with people.

This event was organised in one month flat - when it needed a leadup of three months or more. It needed to have a notice included in the pre-event publicity that "If you have photos we can add to our collection, please bring them on the day, we will scan them and hand them back to you".

We did copy some, and made a number of very useful contacts, and agreed that we had a good day out.

We also now have our forms worked out for anything similar if it comes along.

And we are so inspired that we think we will set ourselves up at the Museum and try to have a special day where we encourage people to bring in local photographs.

So, all-in-all, a good first step on the road to Digital Photo Harvesting.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Scanning Photos at Celebrations

On Saturday, a few members of the Wellington Shire Heritage Network are going to get together at Boisdale, and try to work out a system for scanning photos on the spot when people bring them along to local celebrations. This weekend is the Centenary of Closer Settlement at Boisdale, so we thought we would help by setting up a scanning post.

The idea is that photographs are registered, a permissions form is filled out for the whole batch, and then part of a standard catalogue sheet filled out for each photo. So we know who is in the photo, what it is of, who took the photograph, when it was taken etc.

The photo will then be scanned, and handed back to its owner (in a page protector, to encourage them not to handle it too much).

It is going to be interesting to see how we go. Any suggestions of things to consider, anyone? This activity was encouraged by one society recently receiving a whole lot of photos from a Back To - where we have no idea who holds the originals, who is in them etc.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Geek Links

The Geeks in Latrobe (with nearby friends) had a pleasant and informal meeting yesterday. The links below are mine, from some of the social media discussed. Got any more? Feel free to add them as a comment.


Stratford HS on Flickr

Maffra HS on Flickr

Linda's personal Flickr page

National Library on Flickr

PRO on Flickr

Carnamah Historical Society on Flickr

Kununurra Historical Society on Flickr

Groups on Flickr

Wellington Heritage Network

Bills Troughs

Gippsland History

Gippsland Museums, Collections and Archives

Victorian War Memorials and Honour Rolls


(Sign in and use their blog aggregator at the bottom of your account page to keep track of blogs that interest you)

Stratford HS

Stratford Bulletin

Maffra HS

Cataloguing in Gippsland
(You are here)

Lenore Frost



Yarra-Plenty Local History



Carnamah Historical Society


Stratford Museum

Royal Historical Society of Victoria



State Library of Victoria


Immigration Museum

Thursday, November 10, 2011

National Standards updated

National Standards for Australian Museums and Galleries version 1.2 has just been released. You can download a copy (it is a LARGE document) from that link.

A really useful document to keep on your computer, and refer to often, to know to what we should aspire.

The "Cataloguing bits" are basically on pages 56 to 62.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Geeks in Latrobe

Geeks in Latrobe (and surrounding, close-by areas) will have their first meeting next Saturday, 12 November, at 1.30pm at the Morwell Historical Society rooms.

Don't know where to find them - just type them into a friendly search engine, they have a lovely web page.

This is a totally informal discussion of all things digital and netish, as applied to Historical Societies and their allies in the collection field.